I suppose it was time to let the record player and the stereo cabinet go, even though they were such a marker of passage out of childhood.
I remember, like it was yesterday, shopping for my first true stereo with my folks at Pomerleau's in Augusta. Man, was I excited back in 1986 (that's my best guess) when I received that true marker of adolescence: a way to play music loud. No CD players in those days, of course, but it did have a dual cassette deck, which I practically wore out by the end of high school.
The turntable never got much use, but, ironically, it was the one part of the system that survived to this day. Everything else eventually blew out and had to be discarded, but that record player was right there in my living room, attached, with no irony whatsoever, to our Bose 321 Sound System up until last week.
But, in 2010, I'm not playing records any more frequently than I did back in 1986, so it was time to let it go.
This downsize was difficult not because I have sentimental attachment to the machine or because I felt like it was worth much more than I sold it for, but because it just seems cool to have a record player. I want to be the guy who comes home and throws on a scratchy jazz LP to unwind after work. I want to be the guy who appreciates the tonal qualities of vinyl and the artistic merits of record sleeves.
But I'm not that guy.
And, besides, Miles Davis sounds better on the iPhone, anyway.
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