Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back-up plan

5/19/10 Body pillow, given away

Good thing I had a back-up plan today.

I had a few random pieces of furniture (that's a loose label) lined up to be given away. I left them on our patio, and just told people to come and get them.

Now, I've said many times that people will take ANYTHING if you offer it for free, but that doesn't mean that the logistics of giving it away are easy. In fact, it's my theory that many people who are so desperate for free items often lead lives that are so "on the edge" that crises constantly pop up that prevent them from following through on commitments, such as coming to pick up a media center.

Social commentary aside, when I got home today, several items I had hoped would be taken (I'm at the point where I just give out my address, leave the stuff outside the front door, and say, "Come and get it.") were still sitting on our patio. Foiled again!

Fortunately, earlier in the day I handed off Joanna's old body pillow to my colleague Sara Cole, who is five months pregnant.

Anything to help the expecting ladies.

And it certainly helped me to not have to scramble for a downsize once I got home. See, those little babies can actually be very helpful.

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