Thursday, September 3, 2009

The whole kitten caboodle

9/3/09 Sixteen cat toys, given away

I happen to have the two greatest cats in the world. Seriously. Let me introduce you.

Trane (aka, Mr. Fluffypants, Richard Parker, The Crit, Buddy, Border Kitty,) - World champion leaper. Older brother. Named after John Coltrane, saxophone great. That's Trane entertaining my Nanna in the photo above.

Bird (aka, Girl, Miss Licky, Otis T. Birdsong, Question Mark Tail) - The brains of the operation. Little sister. Named after Charlie "The Bird" Parker, even greater saxophone great.

I could tell a million stories about them (with eleven months to go, I'll be sure to make room for more than a few), but I'll keep it brief for today.

They've got a basket full of toys, most of which just sit in the basket. Every once in a while we'll hear the jingle of a bell and see one of them reaching a paw in to pull out a plaything. But, like children with a cluttered bedroom, perhaps they are overwhelmed by the overabundance of stimuli.

One of their many fabulous qualities is that they are extraordinarily generous and give freely of what they have. Today they agreed to let me give away the majority of their toys, on the condition that I not trim their nails for another two months. We shook on it. (My hand is still bleeding.)

The toys are now under the care of my local librarian, Wes, who has recently assumed responsibility for a stray cat and her litter. You can read all about it on his recent blog post here. Wes shall surely dole out kitty toys in a judicious and thoughtful way, bringing joy to felines everywhere.

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