Friday, July 16, 2010

Computer wars

7/16/10 Computer power cord, returned

I spent the first forty-five minutes at work today wanting to throw my new computer out the window. That's how long it took me to write (four times) a simple five-sentence email, attach three documents to it, and successfully send it. What with all the "MICROSOFT WORD IS NOT RESPONDING" messages, screen freezes, reboots, and spinning hourglasses, it made for a bit of a frustrating kick-off to my Friday.

Without going into too much detail, I can say, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EXAGGERATION, that in one week of using a Toshiba laptop running Windows I have had more problems than with seven years of using a Macintosh.

Let's just say it's been a hard transition.

Fortunately, Joanna was able to buy her old work MacBook last spring from Poland Regional High School when they upgraded their computers. We got a great deal on it, and it's nice to know that one of us has a functioning machine.

However, I realized the other day that Joanna had two power cords. Apparently, she had mistakenly taken an extra one from school, and it trailed along all the way to Colorado.

Honest public employees that we are, my Beautiful Bride and I realized that we must return said cord, so I mailed it back to Maine this afternoon.

I was tempted to mail my Toshiba right along with it.


  1. I have to use a pc at work, too. Makes Mondays so much worse! I feel your pain.

  2. You know, JDV, you could blunt my pain by mailing your iPad this way...
