Saturday, July 24, 2010


7/24/10 Two road atlases (DeLorme Maine atlas & Maine street atlas), given away.

We've come a long way, baby.

Joanna, Chase, and I headed into the mountains today to attend the wedding of one of her high school friends. At an elevation of 9,000 feet, just outside of Winter Park, the views at the outdoor wedding were absolutely breathtaking. I also had a blast meeting a few of Joanna's childhood friends who, it turns out, are not only tremendously cool as adults, but also married really interesting guys.

Yes, another day of exploration and discovery in the Centennial State.

With so much to experience out here (not to mention this nifty GPS device), there's little reason for me to hold onto the Maine road atlases that have lived in my car for the last seven years. I hadn't referenced them often for road travel recently, anyway, but the DeLorme road atlas did have a little Joanna/Reed history embedded within it.

During our time in Maine, whenever we explored a new lake in our kayak (downsized here), we would mark the route in the atlas. It was pretty neat, over time, to see most of the lakes surrounding our home get marked up.

Today, I mailed both atlases back to Maine to my high school friend Jana. (See, Joanna, I had a few friends when I was a kid, too.)

Jana, appropriately enough, is a teacher, and she plans to use them with her students. Right on.

Meanwhile, out here on the Front Range, Joanna has already suggested we get a map of Colorado parks, and mark each one as we hike it. Not a bad idea, not a bad idea...

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