Saturday, July 17, 2010

The keys to my heart

7/17/10 Four keys, trashed.

Today, my Beautiful Bride celebrated her birthday.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has the keys to my heart. She has made me happier than I ever deserve to be, and the main reason I'm so psyched to live to be one hundred is that it means I get to have sixty-two more years with her.

Of course, I now have to share her heart with another guy, but I don't mind.

Today, this little Party of Three skipped up the road to Boulder for a delightful little hike in Chautauqua Park. It's becoming clear that we are going to be a true hiking family and our options around here are virtually unlimited.

Joanna's birthday? With all this outdoor fun, it feels like my b-day, too.

After our hike, Chase took a few moments to play with the mystery keys I finally had the courage to discard. I'm suppressing the intense fear the comes from the belief that I might have just thrown away a vital key.

Of course, having long ago surrendered those keys to my heart (yes, this is all a bit over the top, but, hey, I'm in love), any other locks seem like child's play.

Happy Birthday, Jo.

And, finally, Dear Readers, I leave you with an image that burned my retinas as we walked by. On the way to our delightful lunch in Boulder, we passed this store. We DID NOT go in...

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