Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Excess baggage

6/16/10 Suitcase, returned

Last night I arrived in Stamford, CT, where I was reunited with my Beautiful Bride and the Brilliant Boy. Meyrick and Donna presented us with a delicious meal, which we enjoyed on their deck with my folks, who are accompanying us on our drive to Denver.

When we departed this morning, we left behind a suitcase we "borrowed" from Meyrick years ago. It was hard to let it go, since it was an ideal size for weekend getaways, but it was a bit inadequate for cross-country relocations.

At 10:30 tonight we finally reached my grandmother's house in Ohio, after nearly losing the front wheel of my car driving 60 MPH through Pennsylvania.

Thankfully, we caught the problem in time. With the luggage already counting as today's downsize, I would not have been in a mood to also give up a tire (and perhaps the entire front end of the Yoda Mobile) at high speeds.


  1. It is obvious from thel facial expressions in this photo that one person had serious concerns about what was to befall. He is clearly thinking, "I sure hope Dad checked the complete powertrain on all vehicles headed West." What we may have here is a failure to communicate.

  2. Yes, I guess I ignore Infant Intuition at my own peril. Of course, since I'm his driver, he better learn to speak up more assertively. I'm not so skilled at reading subtle signs.
