6/5/10 Five Christmas mice, two Christmas candle holders, Christmas salt & pepper shakers, and a Disney Christmas music box, trashed
I understand, Dear Readers, how harsh it seems that I have thrown away so many holiday trinkets today.
In my defense I merely submit:
1) Most of today's downsizes were broken or damaged in some way.
2) The POD is currently packed with AT LEAST six bins of Christmas decorations.
3) I would rather give away or sell this stuff, but there comes a point when tossing it in the garbage is the only reasonable solution. We almost convinced Amanda, for example, to take the Christmas mice, since she was up in Maine enjoying a final visit with Chase before our move. In the end, however, she said, "No," and I had to give them the heave.
4) I am scrambling like mad to sell what I can. In the last twenty-four hours, I put fifteen items up for auction on eBay, ten of them Christmas related. Still there are some items that just don't justify the time and energy required to sell them.
5) Besides, it's June! Who can fault a guy for doing a little Christmas culling in June?
At 4 for $1, we were able to unload a surprising number of xmas tree ornaments, plates, etc. Embrace the power of "bundling!" Frequently on Saturday I heard My Beloved saying, "$5 for the table? I'll tell you what, I'll sell you the table *and* the lamp *and* the bookends for $8." Almost as powerful as "free!" (which, ironically, seemed to backfire during our sale.)