Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Great eBay Fire Sale, Part III

6/12/10 Complete Lenox Bone China Nativity Set, sold on eBay for $204.91; Three Cabbage Patch Kids, sold on eBay for $21.91; Two bags of clothing, donated to Goodwill

Baby Jesus, baby dolls, and a whole lotta goodwill.

Yep, that pretty much sums up today.

Today, I completed what may well prove to be my most successful eBay transaction ever, as I put two large boxes of nativity figurines in the mail to Chicago. The nativity collection was a true treasure, if you're into that sort of thing. (Not so sure I am.)

It was apparently a collector's set that Joanna's mom bought after the girls had gone off to college, since neither of them seemed to remember it. We don't know whether it was ever displayed, but Maggie had kept the five sets in their original boxes, and I was pretty confident that they would sell when I posted them on eBay.

In fact, while Joanna expressed some concern when I listed the starting auction price for each set as ninety-nine cents, I was confident that they wouldn't sell for pennies.

Actually, eBay is a pretty fascinating marketplace, and the one thing I've learned is that if you put an item of value up for sale, people will find it.

In the end, the five sets were all bought by one person, for a grand total of $204.91, right about what I anticipated. I don't expect to ever sell anything for that much again. (Especially since I don't plan to dive into the Star Wars collection anytime soon. Sorry, Joanna.)

The other big sale of the day was a set of three Cabbage Patch Kids, which really were from Joanna's childhood. Two twins and a preemie. Whew, I don't envy that mom.

The cool thing about that sale is that I just received an email from the buyer explaining that she had had the same Cabbage Patch dolls as a child, and she was buying this set to pass on to her one-year-old daughter. I like that.

With all of this to mail out, my morning was a frantic mess. I had to swing by Staples to buy more bubble wrap, and sent twenty minutes in the Raymond post office parking lot properly packing up the goods. It was a race against time to get it all ready before the end of Saturday P.O. hours.

Fortunately for me, the Raymond post office is literally connected to a Goodwill store. After mailing off my complete collection of handcrafted religious artifacts and squishy adoptable babies, I popped into Goodwill to donate another two bags of clothing. I need to pare down the luggage in anticipation of the cross-country trip.

Indeed, these downsizes were bulky items, and it felt great to let them all go today.

Gotta get streamlined in preparation for loading up the Yoda Mobile. T-minus fifty-six hours until departure. Oh, baby, it's coming fast.

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