Joanna LOVES Halloween. She loves the decorating, she loves the costumes, and she especially loves trick-or-treaters.
Since we live on a dead-end dirt road, we generally get very few trick-or-treaters. Approximately zero.
To satisfy Joanna's need to see small children dressed up like freaks, monsters, and degenerates (as well as costumes other than Michael Jackson), we headed over to her teaching partner's house in Gorham. No shortage of kids over there. People drive from all over the area to Dan's neighborhood just for the Halloween experience. It's a madhouse in every sense of the word.
While Dan and his daughters (a witch and Dracula) went out to pillage the neighborhood, Joanna and I sat on their front porch and divvied out goodies. Given the number of pretzel packs we handed out -- don't worry, each kid also got a candy bar -- we saw at least 230 kids in a little over an hour and a half.
Most popular costume: vampire. Best costume: Harley Quinn -- I was told I was the only adult who recognized the character. I get geek points for knowing obscure comic book characters.
Since I cleaned out my parent's attic this summer, I've been wondering what to do with three random Star Wars knick-knacks I discovered. They were actually prizes in Taco Bell meals that were given to me a decade ago by friends, but I couldn't bring myself to throw them away.
In a flash of holiday-inspired genius, I decided to give them away to the first three kids that came dressed as Star Wars characters. What a good idea. The three kids -- Darth Vader, a Clone Trooper, and an X-Wing Pilot -- all freaked out when I handed them the toys. You'd have thought that I'd given them autographed Darth Vader helmets or working lightsabers.
It made me think how cool it would be to give away actual vintage action figures. I certainly have enough.
I'm not ready to take that kind of a downsizing leap yet, but who knows... perhaps next Halloween, we'll have the most popular house in town.