Monday, February 1, 2010

PEZ, part one

2/1/10 Seven unopened Star Wars PEZ dispensers, sold on eBay for 99 cents

The downside of having a random interest, such as Star Wars, is that whenever somebody wants to get you a gift, they default to gifts connected to that interest.

So, just because I love Star Wars, people suddenly think that I have an interest in anything and everything Star Wars related. Like PEZ dispensers.

Which, frankly, I don't.

Don't get me wrong, I actually thought it was pretty cool when I was given the first few, but then they started to build up. I didn't really have a way to display them (and I certainly knew enough not to suggest to Joanna that we should display them) and eventually I found myself in possession of several boxes of Star Wars PEZ, some still in their original packaging, since I'm not much of a fan of the candy, either.

I actually sold a shoebox full of them at a yard sale before the Downsize Challenge began, but I came across another box of them in the basement a few weeks ago. Half of those were unopened, so I put those seven together as a package deal, figuring the original packaging would fetch a high price.

Not exactly.

Regardless, they are headed to California, hopefully to someone who either has a cool way to display them or, at the very least, is into five-year-old candy.

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