Sunday, April 4, 2010


4/4/10 Jesus pen, trashed

I didn't want to downsize Jesus on Easter. Honestly, I didn't.

The sheetrock dude left me no choice when he stood me up for a second time. After he missed the first appointment, I got an email that used the word "sorry" three times in three sentences. Then, today, he doesn't show up, again. Guess he wasn't so sorry. What would Jesus do? He surely wouldn't wait for this dude to get his act together. Anybody want some sheetrock?

I had no time to worry about building supplies today anyway, as I spent most of the day grading papers for the graduate class I teach. Each paper was accompanied by a 20-minute (or so) teaching video, so it wasn't a process that could be rushed.

Ironically, as we held yesterday's day-before-Easter party, I came upon a Jesus pen that my friend Marc had given me as a joke. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like: a ballpoint pen with a little Jesus figure on the top.

Religious artifact or blasphemy? You make the call.

My aversion to almost all kinds of ballpoint pens is well documented, but this certainly seemed like a sign from above. Jesus pen spent the day in my hand, furiously scribbling feedback on papers about teaching writing to primary students. It remains to be seen if those comments were Divinely Inspired.

Alas, the time on this earth is fleeting, even for Jesus. He did Supreme work today, but now has gone to his final resting place in the trash. Or is it?

I can't wrap this up without pointing out the little detail that made this pen priceless. Look closely: Jesus is wearing a cross around his neck. That's some screwed up religious imagery if I ever saw it. What was the guy who made that thinking?

And you thought I was sacrilegious!


  1. Downsizing Jesus on Easter - well what can I say! Just don't be surprised if he comes around again. Either the second coming or He is risen!

  2. Omnipotent God; prescient Jesus. If you knew your life (oops… death) would inspire Western culture's most popular icon for jewelry, you would probably show a little ego, too. What a trendsetter!

  3. He clearly used his omniscience to his advantage.

    It would be interesting if we could all know how we die, and then accessorize with that image. If we go out with a heart-attack, we could always wear a heart on our lapel, if it's a stroke, perhaps little replica brain earrings. Car accident = SUV necklace.

    If I ever invent a time machine, my first marketing move will be to offer that service to my customers.
