Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Downsize, Part III

12/20/09 Forty-two books, donated to the Casco Public Library

I love holiday parties. The food, the cheer, the friends. Plus, I'm basically an All-Pro at small talk.

This afternoon we enjoyed a delightful celebration at the Casco Public Library, which looks like it's right out of a small town, old-time, storybook movie.

In National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (pretty much the greatest holiday movie of all time), Clark Griswold battles for 97 minutes to give his family "a good, old-fashioned, family Christmas!" It nearly kills him.

Oh, if he could have only come up to Casco.

The Casco Library party was wonderful. Joanna did her part, baking a delicious gingerbread cake and a lemon-blueberry loaf. Yum.

And, Joanna and I were also surprised with a card and Babies-R-Us gift certificate from the library trustees. Our president, Ron, also declared that, to his knowledge, I was the first trustee to ever have a child while serving on the board. Ah, history in the making.

Well, with all this giving I had to reciprocate. Our donation of books is yet another drop (or snowflake?) in the bucket for the Casco Library. Every little bit counts. In a community like this, a lot of people work to make sure that bucket stays full.

Now, let's party. Where's the eggnog?

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