Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dumb asset

12/3/09 Really great fitting pair of corduroys, trashed

Let's count the reasons I love these pants:
1) Corduroys are definitely back. Trust me.

2) Warmth in the winter.

3) Big pockets. It's amazing what a teacher can accumulate over the course of a day. I came home with a toaster in my pocket last week. Not sure how it got there.

4) Unlike every other pair of paints I own, they are blue. Hey, a guy needs a little variety.

5) One word: roomy.
Let's count the reasons that these pants have to go:
1) The threads are so worn out on the butt that it's buffed to a high sheen and I tend to slip right off chairs. I almost pulled a muscle this morning.
And so, yet another pair of perfectly wearable yet socially unacceptable pair of paints bites the dust. You can just call me Mr. Khaki.


  1. In my opinion, it is the duty of all good Americans to support their President by also wearing "Mom jeans".

    Not to brag, but I've been spearheading this trend for as long as I can remember. Now get those perfectly good cords out of the trash and come back to the fold...

  2. Do you seriously not wear dungarees (showing my age)? Is ther something ungreen about denim of which I am unaware?

  3. Oh, I wear dungarees (although that word does show your age). I was just speaking about my "professional" pants which now all range in color from light brown to a slightly darker shade of light brown.
