Sunday, January 17, 2010


1/17/10 Foreskin, removed

There are countless big decisions we're expected to make as parents-to-be and parents. They range from the sublime -- What's his name going to be?-- to the mundane -- Should we buy baby nail clippers?

On many counts -- Which doctor? Which hospital? -- I can already say that we made great choices. Good job, us.

Today we needed to make a final decision on an issue that everyone seems to have -- and express -- an opinion on: circumcision.

This much is clear: as a parenting decision, the sound & fury around whether to snip really outweighs its true significance. The consequences and the benefits of either side of the argument are pretty nominal. Everyone acts like it's a life-altering decision, but I just don't agree.

Of course, for some the choice is obvious. If your last name is Epstein and you live on the Upper West Side, you opt for it in a snap. If your primary fragrances are patchouli oil and Birkenstock leather, you wouldn't do it for a lifetime of Grateful Dead tickets.

Joanna and I pride ourselves on not being too fundamentalist about anything, so we just had to weigh the merits and make up our own minds. (An approach rarely visible among our political leaders.) In fact, like a good politician, Joanna punted, saying, "That's your area (insert wry smile), you decide."

Ultimately, it came down to a reason no more profound than "Like father, like son."

Besides, why keep an extra foreskin hanging around when you can downsize it?!?

Lest I ignore the immediate impact of my decision on our little guy, I stayed with him for the procedure. In fact, I now consider myself an attending physician, since I helped keep him calm during the surgery by letting him suck on my finger.

Quite a fascinating operation, really, although I'm rather content that I have no memories of my turn under the knife. Rather than cherishing some memories, it's much better to just downsize them.

Editor's Note, 1/19/10: My contacts in Washington have just informed me that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention may be about to recommend circumcision for newborns, while the American Academy of Pediatrics is going to revise its previous stance against the procedure. Hey, maybe I was two days ahead of science on this decision! For the Washington Post article, click here (although you may need to sign up for a free account to access it.) Thanks for the tip, FC!


  1. I shudder to think how you'll classify this "downsizing"!

    Any pics yet of mom and child, please? Jo must have a grin from ear to ear!

  2. OK, a literal downsizing. But I hope you will wait a few years and get his vote before proceeding with tattoos and piercings.

  3. Since it "takes a village" and all that, let the luddite throw in his two cents. I would point out that since we have the kid's full name in the last post, and this interesting line of reasoning on this one, any future prom date or potential employer doing a Google search on your son is going to find out quite a bit about the state of his genitalia.

    (It's possible that the boy may not thank you for that.)

    Perhaps either more mystery or more anonymity?

  4. I knew a little foreskin would shake everybody up! Regardless of the moral, medical, and technological issues raised by circumcision, I'm going to have to work pretty hard to top this downsize in the creativity department.
