Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Going out in a Blazer of glory

1/12/10 Sport coat, donated to Goodwill

Here's an ironic twist to my hoarder lifestyle. I own (rough estimate) eight sport coats and blazers. Seven of them are of decent quality, bought because they looked good and fit me.

The eighth coat? It was bought for $5 at a J.C.Penny store by a custodian at my school, and I bought it (at cost!) from him.

Guess which coat I wear on a nearly daily basis? Yep, the $5 one.

For reasons that even Adrian Veidt (smartest man alive) couldn't figure out, the jacket I've kept at school for years is the cheapie. It's there so that anytime I'm cold, which happens all the time in our rickety old school, I can throw it on. At this time of year, it's pretty much a permanent part of my wardrobe.

Meanwhile, all those other coats sit in my closet at home, occupying valuable oxygen space.

Why? Why? WHY???

There may be no answer, but I have the solution.

The $5 jacket is now at the Portland Goodwill and a slightly darker brown sport coat has taken its place at school.

Two hundred days left in the Downsizing Challenge and I'm lookin' good.

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