Wednesday, January 27, 2010


1/27/10 Computer table, sold on Craigslist for $15

Dear Readers, we have only three days until my birthday, and I have arrived to help you out. I know, I know, it's hard to figure out what to get for the guy who has everything.

And, only yesterday, I would have been in just as much of a quandary as you about what to get me.

Fortunately, the forces that keep the universe aligned have given us a sign.

Today, I sold our computer on craigslist for $15. Computer table = gone. My ability to have a regular old, desktop computer = gone.

What to do, what to do?

Today, Steve Jobs introduced the iPad. An innovation so earth-shattering, it needs no computer desk. Understand? It's a computer that needs no table. Coincidence? Clearly, not.

Wow, that would sure make a great birthday gift...


  1. iPad--that's like a stack of papers bound at the top making the sheets easy to tear off, right? Yeah, and it needs no desk because it has cardboard on the back.

    In any case, HOORAY FOR THE CHASE REPORT!!! Can't wait for next week's episode, although again my heart doesn't handle the "scare" stuff well, so no need to over-emphasize that...

  2. There's the Luddite in you, rising to the surface again, CRM! I tend to think your wife might be more on my side of the argument with the iPad, though.

    And thanks for the positive review of the Chase Report. We're toying with linking it to this blog.
